When: june 2007, 2010, 2012
Where: Misano Adriatico World Circuit
Who: Lifeinaclick provided the technology and staff for the emotional photo marketing service
How: Every year Lifeinaclick provided a different service. In 2007
Lifeinaclick Original with the branded flyer, branded frame on the picture and the creation of a customized web interface to retrieve and download the picture.
In 2010 LIfeinaclick Original in a dedicated corner where people could pose with their own motorbike. Associated with this shooting there was also a Contest: users could vote their favourite picture and comment others , and the subject of the most voted picture won a prize decided by Ducati.
In 2012 Lifeinaclick managed 2 different corners and with a combination of Lifeinaclick original and Onsite Printing. Through the branded flyer with the unique code users could retrieve their pictures on a dedicated branded website. Meanwhile the assistant photographer printed the picture on adhesive photographinc paper and with an adequate editing it became the tile of a large photomosaic reproducing Ducati logo.