When: Feb 16th 2009 – May 17th 2009
Where: Tour across Canada
Who: Inventa staff of 4 trained by Lifeinaclick with tech support via email/skype did the shooting all along the tour. Lifeinaclick’s staff took care of the back office and the multilingual help desk.
What: Lifeinaclick provided cameras, tripods, professional lighting set, barcode scanners, barcodes and the web platform hosting the website, the photo galleries and the software matching the pictures with the codes in possession of the customers.
How: People visiting the Coca-Cola tent and RV could have their picture taken with the real Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch. The photographer had then to scan a flyer with barcode and hand it out to the photographed subject. Using the code written on the card the customer could downloadd its picture for free from Coca Cola’s website. It was up to the photographer to upload the pictures on Lifeinaclick’s ftp each day after activation.